Press conference June 21 Geneva Swiss Press Club
Gathered in a corporate partnership called "Actinides", Vladislav Karabanov – administrator of the group and inventors Tamara Sakhno and Viktor Kurashov, claim to have created a revolutionary new method of transmutation of chemical elements through biochemistry. This approach would artificially produce many valuable and most valuable chemical elements and their isotopes from other chemical elements biochemically without the use of atomic reactors, cyclotrons, highly enriched uranium or heavy water. The method does not represent any threat to the environment or personnel. Its effectiveness in comparison to traditional methods is enormous.
The method leads to obtaining various valuable and most valuable elements and isotopes, demanded in energy, medicine, and industry. Among them Francium, Radium, Actinium, Protactinium, Americium, Berkelium, Californium, and various other isotopes. All of them in convenient form, favorable for separation and purification. It would also be applicable for the 100% deactivation of nuclear waste.
This method and its results are confirmed by the Russian Patent of the Patent Office. The inventors claim to have performed over 2000 experiments and obtained substantial and consistent results. The research work was conducted with private money and the technology is 100% owned by the group. The inventors claim, that this method is immediately ready for commercial scale production of many valuable elements and their isotopes, needed for medicine and industry.
The presented invention provides access to new sources of energy and medicines. Due to methods cost effectiveness, it will make most advanced nuclear medicine technologies available for a wide range of people. It will give impulse to the development in spheres such as energy, industry, medicine, space exploration and inaccessible areas of the earth and the oceans.
Authors of the invention will hold a press conference, its goal is to present this revolutionary method in Europe and the United States and find partners.
Members of Partnership:
Tamara Sakhno – scientist, chemist biotechnologist, author of the invention
Viktor Kurashov – scientist, chemist biotechnologist, author of the invention
Vladislav Karabanov – administrator of the group, commercial application manager.
video – english – 1:34:13 |
